About Us
Fabulous Flavours UK is a Food Flavouring Specialist, supplying Flavourings for Baking, Brewing, Sweets, eLiquids as well as other uses.
Unless other wise stated all flavourings are suitable for Halal, Kosher, Vega, Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian, and Coeliac use

About Us
Fabulous Flavours UK is a Food Flavouring Specialist, supplying Flavourings for Baking, Brewing, Sweets, eLiquids, as well as other uses.
Unless otherwise stated, all flavourings are suitable for Halal, Kosher, Vegan, Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian, and Coeliac use.
All Fabulous Flavours UK Flavourings contain:
- No Diacetyl
- No Hexaedione
- No Heptanedione
- No Pentanedione (Acetyl Propionyl)
- No Terpenes
- No Lipids
- No Essential Oils
- No other substances that are currently identified as potential respiratory irritants
- Gluten
- Crustaceans
- Eggs
- Fish
- Peanuts
- Soybeans
- Lactose
- Nuts and Nut Products
- Celery
- Mustard
- Sesame Seeds
- Sulphur Dioxide
- Molluscs
- Lupins